Simple Kraut Recipe

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  • 2000 grams of cabbage shredded. Or be creative! We like to use hardy greens like kale, beet greens, Swiss chard.

  • Two whole cabbage leaves. Save these to top the surface of your kraut.

  • 40 grams of non-iodized kosher salt. Ideally you want a 2%-2.25% ratio salt weight to veggies.

  • A few pinches of spices. Traditional German recipes call for juniper berry or caraway seed. We love garlic! If you’re looking for a milder flavor skip any extra seasoning other than the salt.


  1. Begin with clean equipment, surfaces, and hands.This recipe uses a quart jar.

  2. Remove two whole leaves and set to the side. Cut remaining veggies in thick shreds.

  3. Add veggies and salt in a large bowl. With clean hands, massage (squeeze) the mixture for 5 minutes or until the veggies are swimming in their natural brine.

  4. Add optional seasoning to the bottom of the jar.

  5. Using a canning funnel, pack veggies into your jar with a temper, pushing down so there are no air pockets. Next, pour the remaining natural brine into the jar leaving about an inch of headspace (air space from surface to top of jar). 

  6. Top the contents of the jar with a large leaf, covering the entire surface, add second leaf if needed. Then add some form of a weight like a stone or a ziplock baggie filled with water. Keeping all the veggies below the brine. 

  7. Seal the jar with a fermenting airlock lid (or a regular jar lid leaving it slightly unscrewed to allow gas/ juices to release).

  8. Set on a plate or bowl to collect run off. Place in a room temperature spot avoiding direct sunlight. Allow it to ferment for 7-10 days. Taste at 7 days, if you want more flavor, allow it to go longer.