Our Team

April Clark


I am originally from northeastern Iowa and moved to Des Moines in 2008. I have made many connections in this community and consider this my home. In addition to my role at CULTIVATE, I am the Sustainability Coordinator for DMACC Urban, where I oversee a “free to all” food forest. Each year we maximize production on minimal space in the most ethical way, while educating others on how to grow and prepare fresh produce.

Living in the heartland of the United States, large-scale industrial agricultural and monoculture farming have become the standard. I am certain that the best tool against this systematic pollution is education, supporting local food systems, and regenerative farming.

In my free time I grow food and practice an eco-friendly lifestyle with my family. This has inspired my path in urban farming and education. I am passionate about growing food (or supporting those who grow locally), food justice, preservation, fermentation, foraging, composting, beekeeping, up-cycling, wastewater reduction, regenerative soil, hiking, camping, and endless learning & teaching.

I am very grateful for the hands-on education I have received over the last decade. In return, I have vowed to invest in my community as well as continue to be an excellent steward for our land.